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St. John's House - Belize City, Belize (February 19 - 26, 2017)

On February 18, a commissioning ceremony was held to enlist parish support and prayers for the mission team, who were going to build the St. John's House for a widowed mother, Gladys, and her two children, David and Jessica. This was the 314th house that HIHM had built over the years. They have a very organized and systematic approach to building these homes the "Belizean" way, as we say.

Often the weather in Belize can be rainy, and, as seen in the pictures, it is also very hot in February in Belize City. The 16' x 16' home was built by the team of nine St. John's volunteers, two HIHM foremen, and help from friends of the recipient's late husband under the direction of Luke Boiarski, SCN. The nine-member team was comprised of six new missionaries and three return missionaries. Many hands made light work!

While on this mission, the team visited HIHM Outreach Center. Much fun followed with the children. Since the house was built in record time with the extra help, the team visited the staff and students at St. Michael School in Las Flores. St. John's School is hoping to officially partner with St. Michael's in the future.

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