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Parish Committees


The following committees and advisory boards help the parish by providing valuable advice in different areas of concern. If you have a particular interest or expertise in one of these areas, please consider contributing your time and talent by participating.

Pastoral Advisory Council

Chairman: Jim Conway

Our mission is simple and clear: the Pastoral Advisory Council advises the pastor on projects, activities, and special concerns for the overall good of St. John's Parish and School and helps promote and grow the parish community through outreach and evangelization. Council members may be nominated by the pastor or by any parish member in good standing, or they may nominate themselves. On approval of the pastor, a new member may join the council. To serve on the council, a nominee must be at least 18 years old, a registered parishioner of St. John's, and a Catholic in good standing.

Liturgical Committee

Chairwoman: Kellie Daniel

Our purpose is to assist the pastor with planning and organizing Masses and other liturgies and church decorations for the different liturgical seasons and holy days of the Church year. We meet 3-4 times yearly and on an as-needed basis. The Liturgical Committee is comprised of the pastor, pastoral assistants, and representatives from the EMHC, music, lector, sacristan, usher and altar server ministries.

Finance Council

Chairman: Michael Guy

The Finance Council is comprised of lay persons dedicated to advising the pastor in matters related to parish finances. Members include the pastor and practicing parishioners who are knowledgeable and skilled in financial matters, exercise prudent judgment, and are dedicated to the Catholic faith. While adhering to Archdiocesan policies, the council provides annual budget recommendations, monitors expenses and cash flow, assesses accounting practices and procedures, and offers general financial guidance to the pastor. Members are appointed by the pastor.

The School Advisory Board is comprised of 9–15 members who are appointed by the pastor in consultation with the school principal and reflect the diversity of the community. Members include representatives of the school and parish community with experience in education, finance, marketing, legal issues, fundraising, and/or organizational management. The board provides advice to the pastor and principal on the development of goals and objectives for the school, the establishment of long- and short-term plans, formulation of school policies, the development and operation of programs appropriate for the St. John’s School community, the evaluation of school operations, and other topics as assigned by the pastor.

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