Whether we know it or not, God loves us and is actively seeking to have a relationship with us. After all, he created us and brought us into being! He also sent his Only Begotten Son to suffer, die, and rise again so that we can put to death our old, sinful self and rise again with him to new life and the "liberty of the glory of the children of God." (Rom. 8: 21)
Worship and prayer are not optional "extras" that are only meant for especially holy people, not for "normal" Catholics: God calls all of us to be holy, to be saints - and guess what? Saints worship! Saints pray!
Worship and prayer cannot be replaced by just "being a nice person." That is not good enough for the God we serve! Worship and prayer are matters of justice: we owe them to God as a thankful response to his free and unearned gifts and as a recognition of what he is: the Lord, Master, and Creator of all that is (including us).
Worshiping God at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation is our first duty of worship. But, ultimately, we shouldn't settle for doing just the bare minimum. Worship and prayer are also matters of love. The more we come to know who God is, the more we will love him, and the more we will want to worship and serve him. That is why we try to offer many different opportunities for our parishioners and guests to worship God and meet him in prayer at St. John's.
You can explore these opportunities below. If there is a worship or prayer activity or event that you would like to see offered at St. John's, please contact the parish office at (301) 373-2281.

Mass Times
At St. John's, Mass is offered at the following times:
- Daily M-F 7am; Sat - 8am
- Saturday Vigil: 5pm
- Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11:30am
- Holy Days of Obligation: Please see the bulletin or call the parish office at (301) 373-2281.
To view the readings for today's Mass, please click here.
Traveling? Click HERE to find a Mass near you.
Are you interested in improving the quality of your prayer? Click on the link above for valuable information and advice from our Catholic tradition.

Everyone is welcome to come pray the Rosary before the 8am Mass daily, the 5pm Mass on Saturdays, and the 7am Mass Sundays. There is a plenary indulgence attached to the recitation of the Rosary in a church. If you aren't sure how to pray the Rosary, please click here for more information.

The Eucharistic Adoration schedule is as follows:
Monday-Friday: 6am-7am
Monday-Friday: 1:30pm-2:30pm (during Summer Program)
Saturday: 6:30am-7:30am
Our parish was gifted with a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima. All parishioners are welcome to sign up to take this statue into their home for a week at a time. The sign-up sheet is in the back of the church by the statue of St. Cecilia.
Keeping the statue in a place of honor in your home and praying a Rosary each day is a lovely way to praise God by venerating the woman he chose to be his only Son's mother and the mother of the Church.
If you have questions about the use of statues in Catholic churches or devotional practice, please click here to read an article from Catholic Answers that explains how this practice is consistent with biblical teaching.
Music is an important part of our prayer and worship, especially in the sacred liturgy. Visit our Sacred Music page to learn more about what sacred music is, why it is vital to the Mass, and how to sing Mass parts such as the Kyrie, Gloria, and Agnus Dei.