Lending Library
The St. John's Lending Library exists to make good Christian books, CDs, and DVDs available to our parishioners and community members at no cost for private study, devotion, and leisure.
We do not ask anything of you in return for this service except to respect parish property by treating materials with care and returning them in the same condition they were in when you checked them out. In addition, we would ask that you please check out only what you plan to read within two months (books) or view within one week (DVDs). This helps to ensure that everyone has reasonable access to the library materials.
Please use the black check-out book provided to sign materials out, then sign them back in when you return them. Please feel free to use the return bin provided rather than reshelve items.
If you have any questions about the lending library or would like to suggest good materials for us to add, please contact Lacy Scheiber at ljscheiber@gmail.com or (301) 373-2281.
If you fall in love with a book and would like to have a copy for yourself, please consider ordering through our local Catholic bookstore, Heavenly Presents, on the square in Leonardtown.