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School Advisory Board


The School Advisory Board (SAB) exists to provide advice to the pastor and school principal for the development of goals and objectives, the establishment of long- and short-term plans, the formulation of policies, the development or revision of programs appropriate to the local school community (before-school care, after-school care, etc.), and the evaluation of the school’s progress in meeting goals.


The members are appointed by the pastor in coordination with the school principal and are intended to reflect the diversity of the school and parish community. Members will include, in addition to the pastor and principal, parents/guardians of SJS children, SJS faculty members, representatives of the Home School Association, and members of the parish who do not have children in the school. Many of the members are chosen for their expertise in areas such as finance, marketing, legal issues, curricular issues, and organizational management.


The SAB appoints members to committees within the board, including Executive Committee, Budget and Finance Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, and Facilities Committee, which focus on particular aspects of the school.


Meetings take place 6 times per year on weeknights at 6 pm.


Current members:

Rev. Raymond Schmidt, Pastor

Rev. Ryan Braam,  Canonical Advisor

Susan McDonough, Principal

Jonathan DeMauro, Vice Principal

Will Tyson, President

Chris Wenzel, Vice President

TBD, Secretary

Warren Maloney, Parishioner/Finance Chair

Ed Chermansky, Facilities Chair

TBD, Technology Chair

Will Keeton, Faculty Representative

Anya Naegele-Communications Chair

Holly Johnson, HSA President



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