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St. John Francis Regis

Catholic Parish

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 43950 St. John's Road, Hollywood, MD 20636 

Click for Christmas Mass Schedule
Mass Times

Saturdays......4 - 6pm

and during Sunday Masses

Also available by appt.

Daily (M-F) 6am - 7am

Saturdays 6:30am - 7:30am

Perpetual Adoration Chapel


Daily (M.-Fri.)....7am

Saturday.............8am, 5pm (Vigil)

Sunday................7am, 9am, 11:30am

Parish Office

Hours: M-Fri 9:00am-4:00pm

(301) 373-2281

Our Pastor

Rev. Raymond Schmidt

(301) 373-2281

Our School

St. John's School

Pre-K through 8th grade

Weekly Offertory  - You may continue your weekly offertory by either mailing a check to St. John's at 43950 St. John's  Rd., Hollywood, MD 20636.  


Donating online using Faith Direct is easy.  Just watch the video and enroll by clicking the 'Donate Now' button.  St. John's parish code MD116.  Thank you for your generous giving in support of our Church! 

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Green Team

Traveling?  Click HERE to find a Mass.

Upcoming Special Events

TMIY: Becoming a Man After God’s Own Heart

That Man is You! is an interactive men’s program that combines the latest findings of modern science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop authentic male leaders capable of transforming themselves, their families and greater society. Join us for coffee, fellowship and faith on Saturdays @ 6:00-7:30am, St. John’s Church Hall] All men are welcome. To learn more, click HERE to or visit Email with questions or for more info. 

Register at

Apologetics with Deacon Ken

Apologetics with Deacon Ken Scheiber will continue on Mondays @ St. John Francis Regis from 7-830pm in the St. Jude Room.  There will also be a virtual option as indicated on the schedule which can be seen HERE.

Catholic Audio Bible App

The Truth & Life Dramatized audio Bible New Testament is a first of its kind dramatized audio Bible from the RSV-CE.  It is endorsed with an Imprimatur from the Vatican and includes a foreword by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Click HERE for more info.  Click HERE to purchase.


Household Green Teams

Come join the Household Green Teams on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the St. Jude Room to learn more about Pope Francis' last encyclical Laudato Si' and find ways to apply it to everyday life.  Click HERE for more info.  

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