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St. Mary's Helping Hands, Inc

28291 Old Village Rd

Mechanicsville, MD 20659

(in front of Immaculate Conception church)

(301) 247-2785


Hours: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 10am-1pm

St. John Francis Regis Catholic Parish is proud to partner with St. Mary's Helping Hands, Inc to provide food and other necessities to those in need in our community.


Helping Hands was established in 1991 in Leonardtown, moved to Hollywood in 1999, and recently relocated to Mechanicsville on the property of Immaculate Conception Catholic Parish.

Helping Hands assists approximately 2,500 families each year with basic necessities such as food and personal hygiene items.


If you would like to donate to Helping Hands, please bring your donation to the Msgr. Harris center at St. John's on the 3rd Sunday of the month. 

Helping Hands is currently in need of the following:

*Canned fruit

*Stuffing mix

*Instant mashed potatoes

*Noodle-based side dishes

*Complete dinners


*Canned vegetables

*Pancake syrup

*Toiletries (soap, deodorant, shampoo/conditioner, shave cream, feminine products

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